ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 June 2024

Articles of journal № 1 at 2015 year.

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Public date | Title | Authors

1. Architecture and information technology tools software integrated logistics support industrial piping systems [№1 за 2015 год]
Author: Moshev E.R.
Visitors: 10585
The paper points the disadvantages of using disparate software systems for integrated logistics support of industrial piping systems life cycle. It notes that eliminating of these disadvantages is possible using a software system that is designed accordint to modern concept of integrated logistics support, the concept of inte-grated information environment and special IT tools basedon mathematical modeling, theory of artificial intelli-gence and techniques of resource economy logistics in production organization. The article describes the architecture, computing-network structure, information and technological tools that were used in the development of a software package of integrated logistics support. The software package architecture includes a database, software and is open to information exchange with external softwaresystems. The database consists of nine logical parts. They represent information and intelligent support designed with frame-based and production models of knowledge representation. The software includes eleven functional modules, programinterface and client inter-faces.Information organization of a computing-network structureof a software package is carried out using a centralized enterprise database server with the ability to connect remote users using terminal server. The paper considers an integrated logic-information model of integrated logistics support of industrial piping systems life cycle. It also describes a fragment of logic-information model of integrated logistics support of designed pipe-lines. It is based on IDEF0 methodology. The authors describe the examples of frame-based models of knowledge representations of the pipelines technological characteristics, as well as the examples of productive models of knowledge representation of flanges and flanged connections structural characteristics. The paper con-siders heuristic computational algorithms that formalizeprocedures for flanges characteristics calculation and flanges compatibility check.

2. Architecture of agents design support system for complex systems simulation models [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Pavlov A.I., Stolbov A.B.
Visitors: 10778
The paper discusses problems of automating the creation of complex systems simulation models. The authors have chosen a multi-agent simulation approach as basic modeling tool. They propose software architecture for designing multi-agent models. The main tasks of a software system are: creating conceptual model; supporting the transformation process from conceptual model into agent model; decreasing qualification requirements in programming for domain experts; collaboration of research teams.The distinction of proposed software is conceptual model explicit representation in the concept-attribute relation form and applying expert system approach to transform designed ontology into an agent model. Researchers develop the structure and behavior of agents using declarative approach. An agent declarative description is based on storing information about the agent structure and behavior separately from its implementation. The article proposes developing an agent describing mechanism allowing unified creating classes of agents that are significantly different from each other in structure and behavior. In this case a standard (unified) agent will have the following structure: states block containing agent characteristics; declarative block containing agent behavior strategy in the form of productionrules; imperative block containing software implementation of calculation procedures used in the inference process. Modern tools for expert systems design are used for declarative block implementation.

3. Simulation model for repair and diagnostic complex benchmark evaluation [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Abu-Abed, F.N., Martynov D.V., Sergienko S.V., Kordyukov R.Yu.
Visitors: 25450
A promising direction to improve a repair of complex geographically distributed technical systems (GDTS) is to create a repair and diagnostic complex (RDC) which can include performance monitoring sectors, diagnosis of components used in GDTS, as well as sections equipped with the necessary technological equipment, measuring tools, tools andaccessories for maintening replacement elements (RE). RDF is equippedwith means of power supply, spare equipment and accessories (SEA) and operational documentation to provide repair. It is assumed that personnel carrying out repairs have the appropriate expertise. RDF is presented as a three-phase multi-channel queuing system (QS). When distribution functions of service timediffer from exponential time, the study of such system complicates the use of analytical models. So the authors used simulation methods, C# object-oriented programming language and Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 IDE. The developed software implementation of RDF model allows estimating its functioning characteristics. The most important characteristic is the average time for request service in the system. It also determines the number of channels necessary on each section. The developed model can be aggregated into the overall research model of GDTS operating processes.

4. Using possibilities of Intel MKL math library in parallel programs in T++ language for a T-system with an open architecture to improve their performance [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Roganov V.A., Kuznetsov A.A., Matveev G.A., Osipov V.I.
Visitors: 10265
The problem of parallel computing is a problem of software. The most common approach to developing parallel programs is based on using software packages such as MPI(Message Passing Interface). This approach requires a large amount of knowledge from developer. Developing and debuging parallel programs is also time consuming. The PSI RAS has developed a T-system which implements automatic dynamic parallelization at runtime. Input language for T-system is T++, and applications developed for the T-system are T-applications or T-programs. This paper provides an overview of products and components of Intel Math Kernel Library (Intel MKL), which contains a large set of mathematical functions and can be used in parallel T-applications to accelerate computation and get maximum performance. The paper considers the modes of using the Intel MKL mathematical library on clusters with Intel Xeon processors and one or more Intel Xeon Phi accelerators (coprocessors) from Intel company. There are demo examples of using the library in C and T++. The paper shows how the use of Intel MKL math library affects the efficiency of parallel T-programs. All experiments has been performed on “RSC Tornado SUSU” energy-efficient supercomputer of the South Ural State University.

5. Cognitive navigation and algorithm for creating a path text description in a convenient way for a human [№1 за 2015 год]
Author: Pestun M.V.
Visitors: 7536
A human-computer interaction when describing a route (for example, car navigator instructions) has weak expressiveness. It complicates person’s perception. Modern maps are not adjusted to a certain user knowlende anddo not allocate important information for him. It makes them less convenient. The article observes general methods of creating cognitive navigation and implementing a computer algorithm for route text description providing it in a way convenient for a human. The system considers user personal knowledge of real estate objects and organizations, user preferences, earlier routs. When a location is less familiar or unfamiliar to the user, a route description uses popular objects according to public opinion. Algorithm development is based on Google Maps system and the API library offered in a set. Google Maps system is used as a stable and proven technology which can provide good cartographical information with exhaustive information database (it is not always sufficient for this work, so theauthor used own expansion data set). However, the algorithm is multipurpose and can work on the basis of any cartographical system. This work partially relies on the researches of the person cognitive function during navigation done by the author together with the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University in CAVE virtual reality system.

6. Comprehensive assessment of transport and operationalcondition of a road section [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Anikeev E.A., Cherkasov O.N.
Visitors: 6609
The article describes a mathematical model of creating an integrated assessment of transport and operational condition of a road section. It also shows the necessity of such model area as interconnected set of factors affecting its condition. In the problem of increasing consumer qualities of roads the authors highlighte the task of separating theroad on sectors for their further ranking to draw up repair plans. Estimation of consumer properties of the road is represented as the difference between the existing features of the object of their ideal values that are expressed in the complex index of transport and operational condition. The authors marked the most important aspects of road sections for this task ascontrolled objects. They also defined the main factors that characterize thestate of the road section. There are the most significant factors of speed-standard security that take into account the influence of individual parameters and characteristics of roads on the complex index of road section quality. The article shows the mathematical tool of theory of fuzzy sets applied to the formation of this parameter. This allows simulating decision-making about road sections repair. The paper defines a set of attribute values describing the state of a road section. It also describes the values of fuzzy variables for each factor and shows their membership functions. There are linguistic variables to describe the coefficients and a fuzzy situation to create an integrated assessment of the road section. An integrated state of the road section is represented as a fuzzy situation. The authors calculate the degree of incorporation of the current fuzzy situation that characterizes the road section condition in the reference. There is a generalized algorithm for deciding the order of repair works. The paper shows the prospects of such approach to the solution of the problem of defining an integrated index of transport and operational status of the road.

7. Modeling of soft tissue virtual dummy for designing corsetry and lingerie [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Senitsky I.A., Vasilev D.A., Gorelova A.E., Kornilova N.L.
Visitors: 9440
The article discusses the theoretical basis of dummies formation for three-dimensional CAD models to design corsetry and lingerie. The distinctive feature of this clothing design is a necessity of modeling soft tissues behavior ofdifferent types of shapes, naked and under the influence of the product. The authors propose an algorithmically independent structure of soft tissues (breast, abdomen, buttocks) andthe torso of the dummy. Dummy virtual model is a torso and imposed on it simulation models of breasts, buttocks and abdomen. When creating a model of the torso the main task is to ensure model rebuilding for any size and growth while preserving the original shape. This article describes the author's method of creating a simulation model of the soft tissues of the dummy using geometrical and physical modelling. The method allows creating different forms of the breast, abdomen and buttocks by varying the parameters of the simulation model. The theoretical results are implemented in the softwaremodule “A virtual mannequin” for three-dimensional CAD to design BustCAD corsetry (Ivanovo, Russia). This CAD software allows the user to create a virtual mannequin to evaluateits aesthetic charac-teristics, to set the parameter changes of the torso and soft tissue based on modeling effects of the product, to create a model and to get detailed patterns.

8. The layout of advanced simulators training facilities of ship radiocommunicatoins [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Sergeev V.V., Rodionov A.V., Puchko E.V.
Visitors: 9691
One of the most important problems of training quality improvement of ship operators is develop-ment of modern educational and training means. To train specialists along with using small-sized single task simulators, the Military Institute of Continuing Professional Edication of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy” also used radio communication simulators “Globus”, “Poseidon”, “Molniya”, TGS-4000 and “Marsim-C” and a complex simulator of ship operators “Plemya-S”. The article considers the opportunities and shortcomings revealed in the “Plemya-S” simulator life cycle. They are peculiar to other coherent simulators. The paper shows the absence of possibility of automatic control and adaptive reactions to actions of trainees in radio communication simulators at the tactical and special level. In this regard essential loading is assigned to the headof training who imitates work of the operators of a coastal commands and communication centers. The work increases in proportion to increasing of trainees in ed-ucational groups. The analysis of the “Plemya-S” simulator allowed us to offer ways to improve simulators of ship operators at the special, tactical and special and tactical levels and also admissible restrictions. The key part in the perspective exercise machine has to be assigned to development of complex radio exchange model of the Navy mobile objects with coastal commands and communication centers. It will allow solving system problems: didactic, research and practical.

9. On-line monitoring of object images structural changes at earth surface photographs from space [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Brovko E.A., Kandoba I.N., Kornilov F.A., Perevalov D.S.
Visitors: 7096
The article considers a problem of detecting and estimating object changes at the Earth’s surface using data of the Earth’s remote sensing from Space. Most of these data consists of cosmic photographs of various areas. The authors suggest effective methods of processing and analysis of alternative space photos of the same area to estimate structural changes of geographic object images. A structural change is a change of object’s image boundary. Essential changes of observable scenes (such as object appearance or disappearance) are also structural changes. The developed methods of detection, allocation and analysis of domains with essential structural changes of topographic objects images from different classes have high automation degree. These methods are implemented in a specialized software module framework. The module is integrated into “ENVI” geoinformation system. Thismodule can be used to solve many applied problems effectively. Such problems include the problem of on-line analysis of existing digital topographic maps urgency to make a decision on renewal of nomenclatural sheets depending on a degree of detected structural changes of object images at alternative space photos of the same area. In addition, socially important problems are on-line monitoring anthropogenic accidents, estimating regional seismic danger, on-line ecological monitoring of the environment and others.

10. Parallel algorithms for integer lattices basis reduction [№1 за 2015 год]
Authors: Kuzmin O.V., Usatyuk V.S.
Visitors: 11647
The article presents a multithread heterogeneous (GPU+CPU) implementation of block Korkin–Zolotarev lattice reduction methods. The paper considers connectionand hierarchy of the main three types of lattice basis reduction: size reduced (weak Hermit), Lovasz condition (Lenstra–Lenstr–Lovasz), Korkin–Zolotarev as known as Hermit–Korkin– Zolotarev (BKZ-methods). The authors provide references to applications in: information theory (decoding of coding group in MIMO), calculus (minimize of the positive quadratic form),complexity theory and cryptanalysis of Merkle–Hellman cryptography (solving subset sum problems), algebra and control theory (linear diophantine equation solving system), compiler theory (lattice based memory allocation), Vinogradov–Korobov number-theoretic method in the calculus, methods synthesize cryptographic and cryptanalysis in lattice basedcryptography. The authors have estimated experimental bounds of the necessary number precision to solve the shortest basis problem as well as bounds of the shortest basis problem and shortest vector problem solution accuracy under block Korkin–Zolotarev reduction. They decompose Kannan algorithms with extreme pruning techniques for solving the shortest vector problem and QR-decomposition of lattice basis. Implementation is based on POSIX Tread Library, CLAMDBLAS, CUBLAS, CLMAGMA, ACML, IMKL and shows linear speedup with a number of processor admitting variable-precision arithmetic. There is a comparison with several multithread implementations: fpLLL, CUDAEnum and parENUM. Thealgorithm implementation won the first place in the ideal lattice challenge.

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