ISSN 0236-235X (P)
ISSN 2311-2735 (E)

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Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) - К1 quartile
Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


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Publication date:
16 June 2024

Articles of journal № 1 at 2010 year.

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Public date | Title | Authors

41. The operations of grammatics’ transformation [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Drozhdin V.V., Тобольченко В.М.
Visitors: 13120
To increase the resolution of information system and to perform the semantic data transformations on the syntactic level the usage of data format based on grammar is suggested. The operations of grammatics’ transformation permitting the generating of languages with required features are under discussion.

42. Experience in cluster software development in the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of msu [№1 за 2010 год]
Author: Ошемков А.А.
Visitors: 10952
In this article I describe an approach and experience of the faculty of mechanics and mathematics of MSU in developing and testing system software for clusters without shared memory. The focus of this paper is the solution using virtualization and virtualization overview.

43. ynergetic approach to data structure organization [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Drozhdin V.V., Володин А.М.
Visitors: 10469
On the basis of a synergistic approach the organization and behavior of data structures are defined, the material, energy and information components of data structures and processes of its interaction with the environment are taken up. All data structures are classified into regular, quasi-regular and irregular. It is pointed out that self-organization is most evident for irregular data structures. The conditions of self-organization appearance are specified. The example of the possible ways of data structure evolution in the field of data structures is given.

44. Analytical and numerical investigation of discrete structures evolution algorithms [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Белов А.Н., Масюков В.В.
Visitors: 8618
New algorithms for discrete structures evolution modeling are proposed and under analytical and numerical investigation in a new program EVOLDIST. Numerical tests show that this technique is appropriate for very complex non-linear natural phenomena simulation.

45. Solving global optimization problems in a distributed computing environment [№1 за 2010 год]
Author: Посыпкин М.А.
Visitors: 16175
The paper discusses exact, heuristic and hybrid resolution methods for global optimization problems and their efficient implementation in today’s platforms ranging from serial processors to large-scale distributed systems. Methods and two-level software architecture for solving large-scale combinatorial and global optimization problems are proposed. The proposed infrastructure is aimed at solving optimization problems on serial and parallel systems with shared and distributed memory.

46. The temporal restrictions satisfaction methods in intelligent decision support systems of real time [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Eremeev, A.P. , Митрофанов Д.Ю.
Visitors: 13219
The temporal restrictions satisfaction methods based on anytime algorisms of decision making oriented towards the intelligent decision support systems of real time are considered.

47. Program realization of evolutionary algorithm for the solution of one automatic classification problem [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Керимов А.К., Давудова Р.И.
Visitors: 10430
. In this paper is considered the optimal classification problem of the objects, describing by numerical attributes. The work is devoted to application of evolutionary algorithms in classification problem. The problem is solved in the framework of three-parametrical calculation algorithm of estimations and optimization of the functional, describing quality of classification, is carried out with application of evolutionary algorithm. It is estimated computing complexity of the offered algorithm.

48. Soft computing technology for intelligent control system design [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Мишин А.А., Добрынин В.Н., Литвинцева Л.В.
Visitors: 12374
Effective control processes are demonstrated using Benchmarks of control object models in uncertainty of information about structure parameters and unpredicted control situations based on soft computing knowledge base optimizer (KBO). It is demonstrated that the using of KBO in learning situations and unpredicted control situations increasing robustness levels of intelligent control systems.

49. Radio-electronic and electronic computing equipment components and blocks placement based on bionic methods [№1 за 2010 год]
Authors: Бушин С.А., V.V. Kureychik
Visitors: 13005
Models and bionic algorithm allowing making the circuits of big dimensions folding and decomposition are proposed. It allows making synthesis of different placement variants by means of hierarchical multilevel decomposition model structure construction. The algorithm running time does not leave the polynomial complexity area. The results obtained allow speaking about the method effectiveness and appropriateness of its use in the other optimization problems solution.

50. Adoption method of computation the parameters of electrical circuitfor estimation the security of transfer information path [№1 за 2010 год]
Author: A.I. Spivak
Visitors: 11939
It is considered the problem of the estimation the security of transfer information path in the data network. This task can be solved by using the analogy between security information theory and electrotechnology theory. It is put to use the new notion resistance as a measure for estimation of data transfer security. In article there is an example of method loop current for estimation the security of transfer information path.

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