Journal influence
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Submission Requirements
Only articles that have not been previously published elsewhere can be published in this Journal.The content should be relevant to the Journal scope and meet the editorial requirements. Presenting someone else's manuscript as one's own, copying or paraphrasing essential parts of someone else's manuscripts (without indicating authorship and references), claiming author’s rights on someone else's research results is unacceptable. If the Editorial Board verifies plagiarism, the manuscript won’t be accepted and the author loses credibility.
A manuscript undergoes a mandatory double blind review within a month after submission (i.e. the reviewer doesn’t know who the author of the article is, and the author doesn’t know who the reviewer is). The reviewers are appointed by the Editorial Board or the operating council. Their decision is reported to the author.
The Editorial Board has the right to shorten and correct a manuscript. The text of the article prepared for printing is sent to the authors for approval by e-mail as a PDF file. The author should send their revision or notification of approval to the Editorial Board within 5 working days. Once this period expires, the edited article is considered to be approved by the author.
A manuscript sent to the Editorial office should be carefully checked and signed by all authors. This confirms that they are all responsible for the content of the article and that the manuscript has not been previously published elsewhere and is not currently under review in any other journals. Submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time is unethical and unacceptable.
It is recommended to submit no more than two manuscripts from one author in one issue. The authors are considered only those who made a significant contribution to forming the idea of the work, development, implementation or interpretation of the presented research. In their paper, the authors may acknowledge people and organizations that made a significant contribution to that research, publication of the article in the Journal, who are not the authors.
The article structure in English:
– title of the article (no more than 12 words);
– information about a financial support as a grant, etc. (if any);
– initials and surname of the author (transliteration according to BGN/PCGN standard or the that spelling the author used in other journals (citation databases))
– information about the author (academic title, degree, ocupation, affiliation, e-mail);
– abstract (organized, 200–250 words);
– keywords (5–10 words);
– main text;
– references (no less that 10, according to BGN/PСGN standard).
The article structure in Russian:
– UDK (ГОСТ 7.90-2007);
– Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) specialty group;
– title of the article (no more than 12 words);
– information about financial support (grant, contract, etc.) if any;
– information about using text generators;
– author's initials and surname;
– information about the author (academic title, degree, ocupation, affiliation, e-mail);
– abstract (organized, 200–250 words);
– keywords (5–10 words), correlated with the title and abstract;
– text of the article;
– references (no less that 10).
The recommended length of the article is between 20,000 and 40,000 characters (including tables and figures).
A manuscript should be submitted in Microsoft Office Word (font Times New Roman, 11 pt, 1.5 line spacing, paragraph indent 0,5 cm).
When writing a paper, please follow AIMRDC format (A - Abstract; I - Intoduction; M - Methods; R - Results; D - Discussion; C - Conclusion).
The article should contain the following sections:
– an introduction containing the research needs statement, goals, objectives, relevance, scientific novelty and practical significance;
– a review of existing approaches with references to scientific publications of the last 5-7 years;
– the main part that includes a problem statement and description, a research sequence and a justification of the choice of methods used, a presentation of the results obtained in comparison with modern analogues;
– a conclusion including summary, recommendations and key areas for further research.
Title of the article. A scientific article should be devoted to solving a scientific issue (problem), and a title should clearly indicate that issue (problem). The title should be informative and define the content of the article accurately. It should not include abbreviations and specific terminology. It is recommended to submit articles with descriptive headings, for example:
“Modeling information processes of big data management systems to solve cybersecurity problems”;
“Neural network diagnostics of cardiovascular diseases: A data-driven method”;
“Modeling biotechnological processes using a mathematical apparatus of artificial neural networks”;
“Information support of decision making in monitoring the state of cryogenic equipment”;
“Software implementation of algorithms for electrical equipment diagnostics (by the example of analyzing the mode of harmonic oscillations)”;
“Designing an antiterrorist security system of educational institutions: A risk-oriented approach”.
Abstract. Authors should take into account that abstract databases publish abstracts separately from the main text, and search engines index the abstract (along with keywords). Therefore, an abstract should outline the essence of the study, it should be an independent text and cannot replace an introduction to an article. The abstract structure should be as follows:
- research subject;
- research method;
- main results;
- practical significance of the work.
An abstract, as well as an article should contain only common abbreviations and acronyms, which should be deciphered at the first mention.
The list of references (at the end of the text) is mandatory and should include at least 10 referencef. Many additional sources of literature in preparing an article are welcomed. Self-citation should be minimal (no more than 20%), so that there is no suspicion of the authors' desire to increase their own impact factor. References include works of domestic and foreign authors for the last 5-7 years. If necessary, references to earlier fundamental works are allowed. The cited source is numbered in the order of mentioning. Bibliographic references are indicated in square brackets in the text. The reference list should not contain sources that are not mentioned in the text of the article.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of source citation.
References do not include:
– references to sources in print, as well as to source not yet published or closed for public access;
– references to laws, decrees, regulations, standards, normative documents, developers' websites, news websites, blogs, and other sources (it is recommended to give such references in brackets in the sentence);
– unverified sources, including preprints, blogs, dissertations (submitted as manuscripts);
– textbooks, lecture courses, methodological materials, etc.
The example of formatting References is here.
To confirm article competence, there should be an analysis of other researchers' achievements (containing new ideas, views, theories). The review should specify the attempts to solve the problem in our country or abroad for the last 5-7 years, indicate the shortcomings found and emphasize the differences and advantages of the approach proposed by the authors. All analyzed sources should be included in References. If the authors refer mainly to their own research or to sources older than 5-7 years in the review, the article may be recognized as incompetent.
Formulas and illustrative material
Simple formulas with an upper or lower index, with letters of the Latin or Greek alphabet are typed in Latin without using Equation Editor:
Complicated formula should be typed in Equation 3.0 or MathTypе without forced growing or shrinking symbols size. There should be settings like that:
– Latin symbols – italic;
– Cyrillic symbols and functions (sin, tg, min, const, log etc.) – Times New Roman font (default);
– mathematical symbols (e.g. ≤, ≥, ≠. ×, ±, →) and Greek letters are typed in Symbol font (default) by executing the sequence of commands in the Word menu: Insert→Symbol→Other Symbols.
Complex formulas should be typed in Equation 3.0 or MathType without forcibly increasing or decreasing the size of symbols. The settings are as follows:
- size: normal - 10 pt, index - 58%, small index - 42%, symbol - 150%;
- style: Cyrillic text and function - Times New Roman, default;
- variable - Times New Roman, italic;
- Greek and symbol - Symbol;
- vector-matrix - Times New Roman, bold.
Authors should number only formula that have references in text. Numbers should be written in parenthesis on the right side of formulas.
The abbreviations used for metric unites (m, kW, m/s, Mb, Tb, etc.) should be in Russian only.
Illustrations are placed in the text of the article. Diagrams, schemes, graphs are placed in the text with the possibility of editing. Diagrams, flowcharts should be made in Visio or Word, graphs and diagrams - in Word or Excel. Color, tinted, scanned drawings and screenshots should have good quality with a resolution of 300 dpi. All illustrations in the printed Journal are published in black and white. Color illustrations can be placed in the electronic Journal's website. Only portrait orientation of figures and tables is allowed. Illustrations, formulas, theorems, etc. should be numbered consecutively, in accordance with the order of mentioning in the text.
All tables and figures should have Russian and English descriptions (abbreviations are not allowed) and consecutive references in the text.
Articles that do not meet these requirements cannot be accepted for publication.
Useful links:
Author's agreement (public offer)
ПExamples of transliterating Russian first and last names according to BGN/PCGN standard